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Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Video - ORT HOLON fight to remove the cell phone mast continues

A video presenting the fight of ORT HOLON parents for the removal of a cell phone mast is available at

In front of ORT HOLON, a High school in the city of HOLON in Israel,  a cell phone mast was erected 23 years ago.  With the increase of Data usage, the exposure levels of the kids went up every year. last year, the parents noticed that most of the kids (59%) had symptoms that can be related to the RF exposure from the cell phone mast just 20 meters from the school. They conducted a survey that shows 59% of the kids has symptoms. about 19% already visit their doctor in relation to these symptoms. Since the parents understood this is not just one or 2 kids, but most of the kids, they started to fight for the removal of the mast.

Two weeks ago, after a meeting in the Knesset Internal affair and environmental protection committee, 3 antennas that faced the school (outs of a total of 9) were removed. The measured/monitor radiation levels went done just 30%. Side lobes and reflection steel seems to hit the school.

Now the parents call for complete removal of the mast. Yesterday they got the support of the Knesset Education committee that called for the removal of the mast in no more than 3 months.

More post about this subject:

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