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Thursday, November 7, 2019

Ministry of Education in Israel issues the formal instructions to end the use of mobile phones in elementary schools

Few months ago we reported that the ministry of education is about to ban the use mobile phones in elementary schools in Israel. Today we are happy to report that the formal instructions have been issued to the schools and to the press.

The news were published in Israel main news sites:

The instructions in general lines:
1. The use of mobile phones in schools, classes and recess will not be allowed.
2. The phones should be turned off and insert in to the bag.
3. Digital learning will be done using the schools' computers.
4. Kids will be allowed to use the phones to coordinate pickups and drop offs, before entering and exiting the school.

I would like to congratulate the Minister of education, Rabi Rafi Peretz, and the activist and parents that contributed to this, around Israel.

I am sure this move just made our schools a bit better.


  1. Great news! The US needs to follow your lead!

    1. Thanks you, please see our new site

  2. Thank you to everyone trying to be more careful.

  3. Thanks you, please see our new site
